
Learn with the ocean

已募得 NT$ 0
目標金額 NT$ 1,000,000
已達成 0%

Kids sailing team

Teaching young kids is the core of our project, as we believe that kids who have an understanding and learn from the ocean, will be safer and be proud of the islander roots that will take care of our future and natural resources.  Ocean education for the new generation is much needed in Taiwan and we believe that learning how to sail is a great way for kids to start understanding the ocean.

Sailing is a multifaceted sport, aside from learning the necessary skills to control a boat, it also teaches kids to understand the rhythm of nature,  comprehension of the weather, patience and perseverance.  Taitung is one of the least developed provinces in the country and we are committed to make sailing available to each kids.  For these reasons, we co-operate with many schools, foundations and non-profit organization so every kid in Taitung can learn how to sail.  

Orchid Island (Lanyu)

For the past three years we have been teaching the kids from Yayo Primary School. Every year we travel with our group of instructors to the furthest offshore island of the country and teach the local kids the basics of sailing . Orchid island is only reached by ferry and has very limited resources, many thanks to the help of countless people, we have managed to bring the essential equipments to teach. 

​In 2023 we went with our team of young sailors to interact with the local community and to train on the Orchid Island waters. It was a very enriching experience and we hope that we can continue this project every year moving forward. 

Winter & Summer camps

We believe that summer camps are an essential part of any kids development, and we hope fhat all kids, no matter their family economics or cultural background can have the experience of joining other kids.  

The concept of "pay if forward" is to provide the opportunity for those in need that might not be able to afford such an experience. We will offer all those spots to kocal foundations, such as orphanages and kids with risk of social exclusion. 

For mor information about our summer camps follow the link 👉 http://tinyurl.com/4bvybafe

Typhoon damage recovery 

Last September 2023 Taitung County suffered the devastating effect of Super Typhoon Haikui. Some of our boats were severely damaged post typhoon, forcing us to invest much of our funds into acquiring new boats and major repairs in order to carry on with our classes and projects.  It was a huge setback, since all the money have been allocated to recover the typhoon damages, our promotion budget for many of the projects that we had lined up for 2024 are currently on hold. We have created an option for “Typhoon damage recovery fund” in order for people to help us get back on track from this year’s disaster and we can focus and what matters most- teaching the kids how to sail. 

